Gemengd nieuws vanuit Kiruhura

In de loop van de vakantie kwam er slecht nieuws binnen vanuit Saint-Mary’s High School in Kiruhura, onze zusterschool in Rwanda. Aimable, de leraar die ons in september nog bezocht had, is gestorven. Uiteraard raakte dat ons allemaal. Mevrouw Vanlommel schreef het volgende mooie tekstje in het Engels, zodat ook de collega’s uit Rwanda kunnen meelezen.

We were saddened to hear about the sudden death of Aimable. There are no words to describe how we all feel about this loss of such a fine and young teacher, fine partner of our schoollink & colleague. 

Aimable was full of ideas and really involved pupils in thinking about sustainable development and how specific international issues could be addressed by both schools. He had become one of the key teachers of the project and his involvement helped the project tremendously, especially with all his ideas for sharing information and bringing young people together. He shared information about geography, the environment, the various work groups he was involved with in Kiruhura. This way, pupils in Mariakerke learned about Rwandese culture as he made it possible to share videos through Whatsapp. He was also very fond of supporting the sport activities in Kiruhura and he kept us informed by sending photos of the soccer and basketball teams. During his visit in Mariakerke, he enjoyed co-teaching and he liked to be with the pupils from the schoollink group to share his ideas and to get to know them better. He was eager to see the planetarium as this was especially related to his teaching topic. He enjoyed being with the families and liked being outdoors.

We will all miss him but we will continue his work and that of other schoollink members!

(drawing by Zohra)


Aside from this tragic news we are very happy tot announce the birth of a baby girl, Ineza Hogoza Anaella. She is the daughter of our colleague Alexis. Ineza is kinyarwanda for ‘someone who does something good to others’. Welcome to this world, Ineza!

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